Join us for a live-stream on socially responsive investing

Socially Responsive Investing—and Giving
Thursday, March 11, 2021
12noon central
Facebook and YouTube

The Quad Cities Community Foundation will host a 20-minute lunchtime conversation on YouTube and Facebook about the Socially Responsive Investment Pool, a long-term investment pool focuses on asset allocation that accomplishes social goals of improving climate-related concerns, diversity issues, executive compensation transparency, and so much more, the pool also invests in companies addressing racial and gender disparities, as well as biases in governance across local companies and politics.

During the livestream conversation, Michelle Payne, vice president of finance at the Community Foundation, will lead a discussion Tim O’Donnell, investment consultant at Fund Evaluation Group, and Anne Calder, vice president of development at the Community Foundation. The three will discuss what the Socially Responsive Pool is, how fundholders at the Community Foundation add it to their portfolio, and talk about the 15.6 percent rate of return it achieved in 2020.

The three will also discuss how the Socially Responsive Pool aligns with issues paramount to the community.

For more information, contact Anne Calder, vice president of development, at (563) 326-2840 or

Ted Stephens III