Meet the Giving Catalog

A special opportunity to help local nonprofits thrive

How do you decide where to give? With so much need and so many good causes right here in our community, that question can be harder to answer than it might seem. This winter, we’re introducing a new tool to help you confidently make gifts that will have profound impacts on how nonprofits in our region carry out their missions.

The Quad Cities Community Foundation’s new Giving Catalog makes it easy for you to review and support specific projects and initiatives that our community’s nonprofits have identified as critical to their ability to thrive. Carefully vetted by the Community Foundation team, each proposal in the Giving Catalog is worthy of your consideration.

Within the Giving Catalog, you can read short descriptions of each proposal, including the total cost of the project. Gifts of any size will make an impact, since more than one donor may come together to support a given project (or projects). The Giving Catalog is currently closed, but stay tuned for the next round!

“We are always looking for ways to better connect generous people in our community to the information they need to make the biggest difference they can,” said Anne Calder, the Community Foundation’s vice president of development. “Our Giving Catalog is a way for local nonprofits to say to donors, ‘These are some of our most important needs, and here’s how you can help.’”

The most recent edition of the Giving Catalog featured nonprofit proposals that the Community Foundation was unable to fund during our most recent Nonprofit Capacity Building Grants cycle. Capacity-building projects improve the capabilities, knowledge, and resources that every organization needs in order to succeed.  

“Without investments in capacity building, nonprofits will struggle to advance, grow, or experiment, yet this kind of funding is relatively hard to come by,” said Kelly Thompson, vice president of grantmaking and community initiatives. “That’s why the Community Foundation has made a significant commitment to helping build the capacity of our nonprofit sector, and we hope that donors will recognize how valuable the proposals in the Giving Catalog truly are.”  

All contributions were granted to the selected organizations in February according to each donor’s direction. The Giving Catalog will be updated throughout the year with new opportunities to support a variety of nonprofit grant proposals received through the Community Foundation’s grantmaking programs.

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