For Community Foundation donors, kindness is a Grand Slam

Quad Cities Community Foundation donors have big hearts, and they are dedicated to promoting positivity and kindness across the region. Many gifts and funds at the Community Foundation are specifically designed to recognize and encourage kindness in the community.

“We are here to help donors support the causes and priorities that matter most to them,” said Anne Calder, Community Foundation vice president of development. “Talking with so many people, there is a real desire to make the world a kinder and more welcoming place. These funds make that desire for change tangible, and we’re proud to support the vision of these donors.”

Donors use scholarships and personal giving funds to prioritize kindness in creative, future-oriented ways. “As one person so beautifully put it, they want to plant seeds of kindness in schools that will grow out into the community,” said Calder.

One fund that powerfully serves up kindness is the Kindness Wins Foundation Fund. Founded by Rock Island-born tennis star Madison Keys, Kindness Wins is dedicated to promoting kindness to youth, kindness to self, and kindness to others in times of struggle.

Keys, who recently took home her first Grand Slam title at the 2025 Australian Open (see Madison’s interview with CNN below!), launched Kindness Wins to create opportunities for young athletes and reward kindness on and off the court. “The world needs more kindness,” Madison said. “I grew up believing that sportsmanship can be competitive and kind. I have a simple mission: to leave the world in a kinder and a better place than I found it.”

Madison Keys featured on CNN

The Foad Family established the Rahila A. Foad and Foad Family Kindness Scholarship to support students who demonstrate acts of kindness, strong moral character, and trusting friendship. Rahila Foad immigrated to America with her family after the Soviet invasion prevented their return home to Afghanistan. “She opened her home, heart, and delicious home cooking to people from all walks of life, including refugees and the poor,” shared her son, Abdul. “Through adversity and conflict, Rahila led a life of kindness and made people feel they mattered.” The scholarship created in her honor promotes that legacy.

Community Foundation donors are sending a powerful message by putting kindness in the spotlight. To learn how you can give in a way that aligns with your values and the causes you support, start a conversation with Anne and her team at or 563-326-2840.

Some of the many places you can find kindness at the Community Foundation:

Will Van CampScholarship