Hope, and opportunity

When the future seems uncertain, we tend to hold tighter to our resources. However, now—right now—is the right season to extend our hands further, to dig deeper and give more, to seek out opportunities that strengthen our neighbors, and to invest in transforming our community for the better.

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Ted Stephens III
Just. So. Happy.

“I’m just so happy to be involved with this—to be able to do this,” Dr. Raj Sekharen said from his home in the Quad Cities, where he has been quarantining during the COVID-19 pandemic. “I don’t get out very much these days, you know.”

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Ted Stephens IIIDonors
When neighbors become like family

Raymond and Mike Ball-Trevor established the Frances S. Wolfe Memorial Scholarship at the Quad Cities Community Foundation. Fran’s three adult children also made gifts to the fund, which will award its first scholarship in 2021.

“She’d probably be ticked that we did this,” Raymond said with a chuckle. “She didn’t like recognition.”

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Ted Stephens III
Local interns break fundraising records

When Sam Reidy kicked off her second year as an intern at Exelon’s Quad Cities nuclear plant and was reminded that the annual philanthropy project led by the summer’s interns could not be done on-site because of COVID-19 restrictions, she knew she faced a unique hurdle. “We met with the senior leadership team and they challenged us to still figure out a way to do it,” she said.

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Racial equity is a Quad Cities issue

Racism is all around us. We see its effect in inequitable outcomes for Black, Indigenous and People of Color community members in housing, education, and many other measures. We also see it in hateful messages that spread in our community again recently.

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Sherry Ristau
A life of helping people: Meet Kathleen Badejo

“I look at everything through an equity and diversity lens because of who I am. I believe the work we do presents an opportunity to drive real systemic change. I’m looking forward to not upholding the status quo, but rather, to instigating positive change for the good of every person I work with.”

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Ted Stephens III