“We’ve received so much over the years,” Gene Vincent said.. “It’s kind of a payback—the good kind of payback.”
Read MoreWhen the future seems uncertain, we tend to hold tighter to our resources. However, now—right now—is the right season to extend our hands further, to dig deeper and give more, to seek out opportunities that strengthen our neighbors, and to invest in transforming our community for the better.
Read MoreThe Quad Cities Community Foundation recently sat down with Erie D. Johnson, a local trust officer, who works with his clients to manage their wealth and establish estate plans.
Read More“I’m just so happy to be involved with this—to be able to do this,” Dr. Raj Sekharen said from his home in the Quad Cities, where he has been quarantining during the COVID-19 pandemic. “I don’t get out very much these days, you know.”
Read MoreBringing home a newborn during a global pandemic has its challenges, which is why nurse home and telehealth visits through the Genesis Health System Community Health Program have become even more critical this year.
Read MoreTwenty-seven nonprofits were awarded just over $470,000 in grants from the Quad Cities Community Foundation’s Coordinated Field of Interest Grant Program. The grant program includes awards from 10 funds made possible by donors at the Quad Cities Community Foundation.
Read MoreThe CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act) that was passed earlier this year offers a variety of incentives to donors, no matter the amount of their giving.
Read MoreApplicants may apply for up to $10,000 to support their work in the areas of youth development, community development, and cultural activities. The grant also is available to nonprofits working to relieve the suffering of underprivileged people. The deadline to apply is October 1, 2020.
Read MoreAs we find ourselves marking six months into the COVID-19 pandemic and living and working differently, I am reminded every day to choose my attitude and look for the positive.
Read MoreRaymond and Mike Ball-Trevor established the Frances S. Wolfe Memorial Scholarship at the Quad Cities Community Foundation. Fran’s three adult children also made gifts to the fund, which will award its first scholarship in 2021.
“She’d probably be ticked that we did this,” Raymond said with a chuckle. “She didn’t like recognition.”
Read MoreWhen Sam Reidy kicked off her second year as an intern at Exelon’s Quad Cities nuclear plant and was reminded that the annual philanthropy project led by the summer’s interns could not be done on-site because of COVID-19 restrictions, she knew she faced a unique hurdle. “We met with the senior leadership team and they challenged us to still figure out a way to do it,” she said.
Read MoreIn honor of The Arc of the Quad Cities Area’s 70th Anniversary in 2022, The Arc has established two new endowments at community foundations on both sides of the river. These endowments augment The Arc’s services and supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Read MoreRacism is all around us. We see its effect in inequitable outcomes for Black, Indigenous and People of Color community members in housing, education, and many other measures. We also see it in hateful messages that spread in our community again recently.
Read MoreThe Quad Cities Community Foundation was started nearly 60 years ago by the community, for the community. Donations to the Quad Cities Disaster Recovery Fund are part of a legacy of generosity that has a ripple effect on the lives of people in the Quad Cities today, tomorrow, and in the year ahead.
Read MoreLynn and Dennis Quinn started an endowment fund and seeded it with “a small amount” at the Quad Cities Community Foundation many, many years ago. Their intent was to begin a relationship with the Community Foundation, and then go from there.
Read More“I look at everything through an equity and diversity lens because of who I am. I believe the work we do presents an opportunity to drive real systemic change. I’m looking forward to not upholding the status quo, but rather, to instigating positive change for the good of every person I work with.”
Read MoreAs school districts across the region consider how education will be delivered this fall due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the two largest school districts serving Mercer County students in Illinois will continue their pursuit to ensure every single student has access to technology.
Read MoreAsk Michelle Payne what she loves about finance, and she’s sure to use words like “creative” and “strategic.” Not words you’d typically associate with numbers? Well, meet our new vice president of finance.
Read MoreAs the community considers the best way to reopen, we too, look at options to open our office in Bettendorf. Here’s what you can expect in the weeks ahead from the Quad Cities Community Foundation.
Read MoreThat’s shorthand for: the logistics on Required Minimum Distributions and Qualified Charitable Distributions in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (in other words, a mouthful!).
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