Change is good

President and CEO Sherry Ristau shares her gratitude to the community during her final week as president and CEO of the Quad Cities Community Foundation.

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Ted Stephens III
Celebrating seven transformational years

As Sherry Ristau enters the final weeks of her tenure as president and CEO of the Quad Cities Community Foundation, one thing couldn’t be clearer to her: this is an organization that is ready to take its work to the next level. For the leadership team, this moment of transition is a chance to reflect on the milestones achieved over the last seven years and how those accomplishments have positioned the Community Foundation to set its sights even higher going forward.

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Guest User
When generosity goes the extra mile

When Greg and Dr. Christine Anderson Petty moved from the Quad Cities to Denver in 2009, they were returning to a city they had come to love during a brief residence there three decades earlier. But their generosity remains tethered to the places where their roots run the deepest—the Quad Cities and the wider northwestern Illinois region.

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Guest UserMCCF
Setting a direction for generosity with Field of Interest Funds

When Don Pedersen’s wife, Marsha, passed in June 2020, he realized that they had put off deciding exactly where to channel the generous gift they had earmarked in their estate planning for the Quad Cities Community Foundation. “I asked myself, what do we really want to happen to that money?” said Don. “I felt that before something happened to me, I needed to establish a direction for those funds to go.”

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Guest User
Corporate values, community impact

As the first corporate charitable fund opened at the Quad Cities Community Foundation, the Van Meter Industrial Foundation Fund celebrates 15 years of generosity this year. Read more about Van Meter’s culture of corporate giving and the impact of its charitable fund on the community.

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