Listening, learning, and doing

Thanks to donors who give through the Community Foundation, we are able to listen to our community, and then act on the greatest opportunities and most pressing needs in our region. In all my years working with donors and nonprofit leaders, listening and acting has never been more critical than during this COVID-19 pandemic.

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$250,000 gift is a gift of time

A $250,000 grant from the Kathi and Steve Morency Family’s fund at the Quad Cities Community Foundation will support the future of Family Resources. The Davenport-based nonprofit provides foster group care, survivor services, mental health services, and more, to the region.

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Ted Stephens IIIDonors
Why we show up

As both sides of our river town look to reopen and continue to address the long-term impacts of this pandemic, the “how” looks different than it did two months ago—even two weeks ago. The “why,” however, has not changed. In fact, it is what we are unified in. It is what we have in common.

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