The fun stuff

Generosity is part of what it means to be a Thoms. And through the Stuart and Mary Thoms Family Fund at the Quad Cities Community Foundation, it’s a value the family will be able to cherish and act on together for years to come.

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When hunger called, the community responded

Together, the Quad Cities Community Foundation and 12 other local funders and individual donors have raised $224,000 to help River Bend Food Bank provide more than one million meals to children, adults, and seniors facing hunger this winter.

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Give where you live

“As I look toward the end of the year and reflect on my first six months as a Quad Citizen, I can confidently say that “give where you live” is much more than a clever catchphrase to this community. It’s a source of joy, an example to set, a profound expression of generosity.”

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Meet the Giving Catalog

The Quad Cities Community Foundation’s new Giving Catalog makes it easy for you to review and support specific projects and initiatives that our community’s nonprofits have identified as critical to their ability to thrive.

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5 great ideas for year-end gifting and granting

10, 9, 8… Wait a minute—not so fast! 2022 will be over before we know it, but there’s still time to make a gift to your community through the Quad Cities Community Foundation. Here are five ideas to help you share your generosity before the end of the year.

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The transformation continues for Humility Homes & Services

Humility Homes & Services’ supportive housing model, piloted with the help of a 2020 Transformation Grant from the Quad Cities Community Foundation, is changing lives for community members who have experienced chronic homelessness. A new $1 million grant from the U.S. Bureau of Justice Administration will make the program’s impact that much more transformational.

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Cryptocurrency giving now available

In the United States, 90 percent of household wealth is held in noncash assets, including real estate, stocks, and—increasingly—cryptocurrency. Now, donors can give all those types of gifts and more to support the causes closest to their hearts

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Staying power

Our financial investments connect us in very real ways to what’s happening across the country and the wider world, but we have ways of ensuring that nothing gets in the way of our ability to support our community locally.

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Endowment, explained

What do we mean when we say "endowment"? Endowment can feel like a mystery—even though it’s a way to make giving more powerful! We’re here to walk you through what endowment is and how it works so you can feel confident in how you invest in your community.

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